MapLink™ Procedures | SALDO Application and Submission Process

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SALDO Application and Submission Process
A. Submittal and review shall be in accordance with the following table stage:
Table 1
Review Stages
Review Stage                 Minor Subdivision                         Major Subdivision                     Land Development
Sketch                             Optional                                           Recommended                            Recommended
Preliminary                      Recommended                                Mandatory                                   Mandatory
Final                                Mandatory                                        Mandatory                                   Mandatory

B. Each presentation of a sketch, preliminary, or final plan shall be considered a separate submission, and the application and review process will be the same for each submission.
C. For all review stages where review and report are required or requested, 23 copies of every subdivision or land development plan shall be submitted to the Township Secretary along with the Upper Chichester Township Subdivision and Land Development application and fee, the Upper Chichester Township escrow fee for professional review of the plan and/or application, and the Delaware County Planning Department application and fee.
D. The 23 copies of plans shall be distributed to the following for review and report:
(1) Delaware County Planning Department: three copies.
(2) Board of Commissioners: five copies.
(3) Planning Commission: seven copies.
(4) Township file: one copy.
(5) Township Engineer: one copy.
(6) Fire Marshal: one copy.
(7) Fire Chief: one copy.
(8) Police Chief: one copy.
(9) Zoning Officer: one copy.
(10) Sewage Enforcement Officer: one copy.
(11) Southern Delaware County Authority: one copy.
E. Review stages where review and report are required or requested shall be acted upon by the Board of Commissioners and a decision rendered and communicated not later than 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners or otherwise following the date the application is filed, provided that should the next regular meeting occur more than 30 days following the filing of the application, said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the date the application was filed.
F. The decision of the Board of Commissioners shall be communicated in writing to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision.
G. After submitting a preliminary plan, the owner or representative of the owner shall notify all property owners within a five-hundred-foot radius of the parcel/tract boundary in question. Such notice shall occur at least 10 days prior to the first Planning Commission meeting following the submission of said plan. Evidence of such notification in the form of a certified mail receipt shall be presented to the Planning Commission at its first meeting following the submission of the plan.

Permits,forms, and applications are available for download here.
For fee information, see the most recent fee schedule here.